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Last Will and Testament of James Boatwright 1/10/1814

January 10, 1814

Will Book 5, Page 86

CUMBERLAND COUNTY :   In the name of God Amen.  Knowing that it is

VIRGINIA          :   appointed for all men once to die, I James

Boatright of Cumberland County and State of Virginia being in my right mind and of disposing 
memory, do make this my last Will and Testament (viz):

1st.  I give to my son Leonard Boatright my island on James River known by the name of Daniels 
Iland (or Dansils Ilana?) as also my Punch Creek tract of land by him paying in two years after 
my death two hundred dollars to my estate, to him and his heirs forever.

2dly.  I give to my son John Boatright my tract of land in the County of Fluvanna, which I 
purchased of Matthew Wills, containing one hundred and twenty four acres be the same more or 
less, by him paying fifty dollars in two years to my estate after my death, to him and his 
heirs forever.

3rdly.  I give to my son Chestly Boatright my tract of land on which I live of one hundred 
and nineteen acres be the same more or less as also my still and still vessels privisor that 
the said Chestly Boatright lets my daughter Drucilla Boatright remain in the mansion house on 
said plantation with him after my death and boarding free until she marrys, to him and his 
heirs forever.

4thly.  I give to each of my children as they may need that have not received heretofore one 
bed and furniture.

5thly.  I give to my son Drury Boatright ten dollars in addition to what I have deeded him 
Proviso he obliges himself to give free liberty or use of the spring called Drummons.

6thly.  I give the balance of all my estate not heretofore mentioned, or willed, to be equally 
divided among my sons Samuel Boatright, James Boatright, Benj'n Boatright, Daniel Boatright and 
William Boatright and my daughters Ann Steger, Judith Martin, Drucilla Boatright, Patsy 
Boatright and Polly Boatright, giving to my son Samuel Boatright my Negro Tarlton at 
Valuation, giving to my son James Boatright my Negro George at valuation, giving to my daughter 
Ann Steger my Negro Sally at valuation, giving to my son William Boatright my Negro Nelson at 
valuation, giving to my daughter Judith Martin my Negro Julia at valuation and giving to my 
daughter Drucilla Boatright my Negro Cloe at valuation, each of them paying the overplus should 
there be any, at the division, and lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my sons Benjamin, 
Samuel, Leonard and Chestly Boatright Executors of this my last will and testament hereby 
revoking all others or former wills or testaments by me heretofore made.

          In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 10th day of 
January in the year One Thousand Eight Hundred And Fourteen 1814.

          Signed, sealed, published and declared

                               James  X  Boatright

As and for the last Will and Testament of the above named James Boatright in presence of us.

D. Shield

Wm. Montague

Abraham Daniel

Cumberland August Court 1815

          This last Will and Testament of James Boatright deceased, was exhibited in Court 
and proved by D. Shields, William Montague and Abraham Daniel, the witnesses thereto, and 
ordered to be recorded, and on the motion of Samuel Boatright, one of the Executors therein 
named who made oath according to law, certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate 
thereof in due form on giving security, whereupon he with David Shields, Abraham Daniel 
and John Martin, his securities, entered into bond according to law and liberty is reserved 
to the other Executors to join in probate when they may think proper.


                                 John W. Cormack, Jr., D.C.

Boatwright/Boatright Family Genealogy Website
created by George Boatright,
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last modified: March 20, 2006


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